Customer Testimonials

What people are saying

CAT Computers has successfully streamlined our company’s network from what was a pieced together operation with some outdated software to a highly functioning system supported by a server. Calls are consistently responded to in a very timely manner. When issues cannot be handled remotely, we continually receive a speedy turn around for on-site service. We appreciate the excellent customer service we receive from CAT Computers.
– Sandy S.

We have used CAT for a few years now with great success. They have been prompt and responsive. Best of all, perhaps, is their reasonable rates for service. I would recommend CAT (actually I have already) for any IT issues or problems, large or small, home or office.
– Rev. Bob Zimmerman

CAT Computers is always quick to help when there is a problem either on site or by remote access. He is pleasant and easy to work with. He does not mind questions. He is prompt to solve all of my problems.
-Janice N.

Cat Computers and more specifically Robert Chandler have provided outstanding service and successful results at every encounter. responsiveness to my concerns and technical skill are unsurpassed. I have tried other technical service and no one compares. Once Cat Computing and Robert Chandler assist you, you will never want to go anywhere else!
– Laura E.

I initiated contact w/ CAT on New Year’s Eve day (turned out to be a holiday for them), they called that afternoon to check in (it was not an emergency), followed through the next business day and called again when I wasn’t initially available. When we got together to work on the problem, they were clear on what was going on in each step of the process. They were WAY more responsive than the Big Box store that we had purchased a service agreement from.
– Paul P.

How can we help you today? Call us at 314-646-1880